Morning Prayer
8:30 am
Sunday School
9:20 am
Family Worship
10:30 am
Bible Study Group
5:00 pm
Women's Bible Study
10:00 AM
Prayer Group
6:00 PM
Our Mission
Our mission at Trinity Church is defined in Matthew 28:18-20; to make disciples, to teach what Jesus commanded, and to share the gospel with all nations. It is our desire to allow the Holy Spirit to shape our lives as we study God's word and to be transformed and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Sleeping Bag Drive:
As part of ongoing hurricane relief we will be collecting sleeping bags through Sunday, Dec.15th.
* Keep in mind that bags need to be rated for below freezing temperatures. Here are some links to help point you in the right direction:
If you would like to order a bag and mail it directly to our distribution partner in Asheville, Brian Dunsmore, you can send it to Asheville Food & Beverage United, PO Box 2851 Asheville, NC 28802.
Trinity Church
Tues., Dec. 24th
Christmas Eve Love Feast 5:30 pm
Tues., Dec. 31st
New Year Celebration 5:30 pm
Soup supper and communion

Our office will be closed on Monday, May 29th for Memorial Day